Email Address
Date of Birth
Your Current Age
Mobile Number
Not at All
Moderately So
Very Much So
I feel love and cared for*
I always get what I want in life*
I am "calm, cool and collected"*
I am affected by my past*
I am affected deeply by disappointments and failure*
I am content*
I am happy in my relationships*
I am tense*
I find it easy to express my emotions*
I feel confident in my ability to cope with difficult situations* 1234
I feel frightened*
I feel confused*
I feel happy*
I feel I am too emotional*
I feel that I learn from my mistakes and they make me stronger*
I feel my family and friends value me*
I feel like a failure*
I feel nervous and restless*
I feel relaxed*
I feel respected by the people closest to me*
I feel sad*
I feel satisfied with myself*
I feel secure*
I feel I am essentially a good person*
I feel that I get pushed around more than others*/td>
I feel that difficulties are piling up so that I feel I cannot overcome them*
It is easy for me to let go of past wrongs*
My life nurtures me*
Total Thanks for your interesting in making an appointment with me. I will be my pleasure to help you achieve greater wellbeing and peace of mind.
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